AVNOJ and ZAVNOH in Croatian Socialist and Post-Socialist History Textbooks: Reexamining the Meaning of Textbook Historiography
AVNOJ, ZAVNOH, nation, state, socialism, federation, republic, textbooksAbstract
The paper presents the way in which (post)socialist history textbooks portrayed the topics of sessions and decisions of AVNOJ and ZAVNOH, representative bodies that emerged in the process of creating socialist Yugoslavia and Croatia during World War II. It provides a brief overview of changes on an interpretive and contextual level that can be observed in these textbooks from the 1960s to the 2000s. In a broader sense, it problematizes the relationship of textbook historiography to questions of nationalism and nation, people, state, society, and raises the general question of the potential reach of textbooks as a source of historical knowledge in the present time.
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