AVNOJ in Serbian History Textbooks: From an Ideologized Vision of a Happy Future to Nationalistic Revisionism





AVNOJ, history textbooks, Serbia, socialist Yugoslavia, historical revisionism


History textbooks are much more than basic manuals that offer the most important insights to young people, formulated in a concise and objective manner, into the past. Written in adapted and simplified language, they are always an instrument of official educational policy that legitimizes and reflects the existing social and political order. The aim of the paper is to point out the ideological character of textbooks on the example of the image of AVNOJ in Serbian history textbooks during and after socialism. The research established that, in post-socialist Serbian textbooks, the socialist image of the role of AVNOJ, which was ideologized by the legitimizing needs of the new authorities but also by a Marxist interpretation, was replaced either by an apparently neutral image that distanced itself from the significance of AVNOJ or by a nationalist revisionist interpretation. The ideological paradigm was definitely replaced at the beginning of the 2000s, but, in addition to that, historical facts were completely suppressed and distorted in certain textbooks.


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