The Place and Significance of the Second AVNOJ Session in Macedonian Historiography in the Post-Socialist/Post-Yugoslav Years




Yugoslavia, Macedonia, AVNOJ, ASNOM, historiography, historical revisionism, history textbooks


The paper shows how new narratives were built about the place and role of AVNOJ in Macedonian history after the collapse of Yugoslavia. Post-socialist historiography started questioning, inter alia, assessments of the significance of AVNOJ, yet these topics are not dominant either in historiography or in public discourse. For a long time after the breakup of Yugoslavia, historiography repeated the thesis about the significance of AVNOJ decisions for the recognition of the Macedonian nation and the constitution of the Macedonian state. The paper shows how in the beginning of the 2000s, there were theses emerging in historiography that the decisions of AVNOJ were not decisive for the formation of ASNOM, which was in line with attempts of historians to distance themselves from the ideological characteristics of the socialist era. The paper also shows how this narrative continued to develop and how new interpretations of the non-participation of Macedonian delegates at the AVNOJ session and the absence of Macedonian officers in the National Committee of the Liberation of Yugoslavia (NKOJ that led to AVNOJ's decisions began being viewed as an event that made unification of Macedonian people in the Balkans impossible. The author concludes that it shows hat the Yugoslav ideology, from the era of socialism, was replaced in post-socialist historiography and history textbooks by the Macedonian ethno-national ideology whereas the Yugoslav context was omitted. 


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